#TikTokTuesday – 26 September

Tuesdays just got a whole lot more exciting! Take a look at the top TikTok videos that are trending in South Africa, Africa, and the rest of the world:
South Africa: Things are Never What They Seem
@babyboogyman The last one #verifybabyboogyman #babynoogyman ♬ Peacock Revisit (feat. Ice Beats Slide & Sbuda Maleather) – Uncle Waffles & Ice Beats Slide
Listen, we’ve all tripped and fallen in an embarrassing way at some point during our lives. At least, most of us (hopefully!) weren’t caught on camera at the time of the tumble. Still, you can’t help but have a giggle at these two ladies who should have kept their wits about them.
Africa: Monday Morning Meetings Be Like…
@hallebberry Where my morning people at? #hallesvids ♬ original sound – Abi Clarke
Let’s be honest, NOBODY is as revved up for their first morning as the early bird members of the team who have already managed to go to the gym, pack their children’s lunches and put a load of laundry into the machine. The rest of us are mere collateral damage in the cheerful crossfire.
The World: Man + Scooter + Watermelon = Unstoppable
@jordanflomofficial Man picks up Groceries on Scooter! #caughtoncamera #lifehacks #diy #diwhy #limescooters #dad #mom #funny ♬ original sound – Jordan Flom
Have you ever gone out and bought all of your groceries for the week, only to realise you somehow need to get them home on a scooter? Well, this man has something to teach you about carabiners, a baby carrier and the pure power of will.